Multicultural Day, May 9th2015

Multicultural Day has become a tradition in Reykjavík! The parade started at 1 pm and a rich program downtown continued from 2-5 pm. The town-hall was crowded all the time, filled with international foods and flavours!

Móðurmál was represented at the Multicultural Day, as in the previous years. There was a booth, posters, PowerPoint presentation, visiting cards and visitors’ book, and of course! logos of Móðurmál everywhere.

People came and chatted about mother tongue classes.

Thank you, Marion, for helping! ❤️

Icelandic course for parents in Fellaskóli and Ösp

In the spring 2015 parents of children who attend their mother tongue classes in Breiðholt, could attend an Icelandic course while waiting for their children.

The course was taught by Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir and supported by project Menntun Núna. The focus was on spoken language and the approach to teaching was based on arts, music, movement, games and drama.

Participants were to get a better feeling for the spoken language, pronunciation and the rhythm, enjoy working in a group and increase vocabulary.

This project was much needed and appreciated by the parents. Thank you Berglind and Menntun núna! ❤️ We hope that next fall 2015 the parents will again have the chance to meet and learn Icelandic.

„My language and your language“

On February 21st the Móðurmál, the City Library and many guests celebrated the International Mother Tongue Day and the linguistic diversity of children.
The “sun” was the theme and many other words could be learnt at Café Lingua for children on Saturday, February 21st in Gerðuberg. Besides, children showed their books, pictures, music and other interesting items.

The program was excellent:

  • Sóla and the Sun read aloud by Sóla the Storyteller herself
  • Sing-along about the Sun
  • Learning the word sun in various languages
  • Living Language Workshop
  • Perfomance by the great magician Jón Víðir

At this festive opportunity, the Moðurmál presented Gerðuberg a TV as thanks for their support.

Festivals and event in spring 2015

In spring 2015 some of Móðurmál groups celebrated their national festivals! 🎉

  • February 23th, Defender of the Fatherland
  • March 6th, Ghana celebrates its 58th Anniversary

It is a good habit to share the event and invite members of other mother tongue groups, show and share the national culture with others. Thank you! ❤️

Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours celebrates 10 year anniversary

The Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours, one of Móðurmál groups, celebrated their 10th year anniversary in September 2014! 🎉

The founder and the director Jurgita Milleriene has led the school and taught Lithuanian all this time and done a fantastic job working with children, parents and the Lithuanian community. She established the Society of Lithuanians in Iceland and she was also one of the co-founders of Moðurmál.

We thank Jurgita for her untiring work and congratulation the Lithuanian community to the round anniversary of the mother tongue school!

Áslaug Jónsdóttir visits Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours

Lithuanian mother-tongue school Three colours was recently contacted by a well-known Icelandic children books writer and illustrator Áslaug Jónsdóttir.

Áslaug wished to give the Lithuanian school in Iceland copies of two books from the well-known Monster series that have been recently translated into Lithuanian. The school invited her to come to the school and to meet the teachers, parents and students, and to read a book in two languages: Icelandic and Lithuanian.

At the same time, the children would get an insight into the artist. It was a fantastic moment when children’s eyes were glowing with pride that they are able to understand both languages. And there was no hesitation when they got to draw their own black monsters!

Thank you ❤️ for a wonderful and precious moment, Áslaug Jónsdóttir.

The titles available in Lithuanian are Mažasis Pabaisiukas sako NE! (No! said Little Monster) and Dideli pabaisiukai neverkia (Big Monsters Don’t Cry).

Art and play: Communicative Icelandic Course

Icelandic course for parents of children who attend mother tongue classes in Fellaskóli and preschools Ösp and Holt started in January and continues until the end of February.

The teacher is Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir. Berglind is educated in music and she currently studies Arts at the Art University of Iceland. She also teaches Icelandic with Menntun Núna.

The course has already started but interested people can still join. The goals of the course are:

  • Increase the social abilities of students.
  • Support and encourage the students to talk Icelandic
  • Improve the feeling for the language and understanding.
  • Practice vocabulary of the students.
  • Increase empathy.

The classes take place in Fellaskóli 10-11 am and in preschool Ösp 11.30–12.30.

Hooray! 🎉

Íslenskunámskeið fyrir foreldra barna sem læra sín móðurmál í Fellaskóla og leikskólum Ösp og Holt byrjaði í janúar og mun halfa áfram út febrúar. Kennarinn er Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir. Berglind er tónlistarmenntuð og stundar nám í listkennslufræðum í Listaháskóla Íslands, en að auki kennir hún íslensku hjá Menntun Núna.
Námskeiðið er vel farið af stað en hér fyrir neðan eru markmið námskeiðisins. Áhugasamir geta bæst í hópinn. Markmið námskeiðisins:

  • Að auka félagsfærni nemenda.
  • Að efla kjark og þor til að tala íslensku.
  • Að auka máltilfinningu og málskilning.
  • Að efla orðaforða nemenda.
  • Að auka samkennd.

Tímarnir eru í Fellaskóla kl. 10-11 og í leikskólanum Ösp kl. 11,30-12,30.

Icelandic course for parents

Last Saturday a new Icelandic course started for parents whose children are learning their mother tongues with Móðurmál.

The goals of the course are to increase the social abilities of students, to support and encourage the students to talk Icelandic, to improve the feeling for the language and understanding, to practice vocabulary of the students and to increase empathy.

The teacher is Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir and the classes take place in Fellaskóli from 10-11 am and in preschool Ösp from 11.30–12.30.

The course will be taught in February and March, and it is financially supported by Menntun núna.